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Destressing and finding joy at home

Apr 19, 2020


We are in the lockdown 2.0 now! With the government extending the lockdown phase for the second time in a row to curb the spread of novel COVID-19, we are left with some new and unique challenges to face. To overcome this pandemic crisis, many businesses and organizations are moving towards remote working. Many employees are remotely working full-time for the first time, while doing all the chores at home as well.

While you are working from home, your sofa becomes your office chair. Your commute is the length of your hallway. Your entire pantry is now the snack drawer. However, most people who are working from home discover that real life is far from the fantasy.

Our daily routines are interrupted causing added anxiety, stress and strain. In this alarming situation, stress and anxiety due to the interruption in normal activities is completely natural. Many companies have also sought professional assistance to help employees tackle the turmoil due to social distancing and help find solutions to manage stress while working remotely.

During this crisis situation, keeping your mental well-being should be your utmost priority. As we protect ourselves and our family against possible exposure to the coronavirus, please keep in mind that social distancing does not mean social isolation. We enlist some of the possible things that you can implement in your daily lives to manage stress effectively.

Maintain a regular schedule:

Sticking to your old routine and maintaining a proper schedule should be the agenda. Have proper meals on time and keep yourselves properly hydrated. Till the time you are working remotely from home, set up a designated space for you and each family member to work and learn. Also, like we used to have regular breaks in office, don't forget to include periodic breaks for energising yourselves. Also, don’t forget to wear your best outfit when you wake up, even if that means just changing your regular pyjamas!

Stay connected:

Like we have already mentioned that social distancing does not mean social isolation. Stay connected with family, friends, loved ones and support systems using technological video-based options.  You can also explore virtual coffee breaks with friends on a video call to stay connected. It’s always good to talk about your fears and concerns with the people you trust the most. It helps you to relieve your stress and keeps your mind entertained and refreshing.

Create healthy boundaries:

When working from home, stick to a proper working schedule with healthy boundaries. Managing your mental health is as important after work as it is during official hours. So, once you are done with your work, take comfort in the things that matter to you and make you happy. Focus on a hobby, or watch a film or your fantasy series, or read a book or cook your favourite meal. Afterall, you are putting a lot of effort in the middle of a hard time—you deserve a pat on your back.

Perform Stress-busting activities:

Engaging in activities you enjoy, is a natural way to relieve stress. If you are feeling down or gloomy, you may find joy in simple things such as involving yourself in gardening or home improvement project, listening to music, playing with your adorable pets, or indulging in some artistic pursuits like drawing or playing a musical instrument.

Enjoy a good night’s Sleep:

A good night’s sleep is extremely crucial for your mind and overall body. In fact, it’s just as important as eating healthy and exercising. While sleeping needs may vary slightly, it is crucial to maintain and follow a particular pattern (may be 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night) to function properly as healthy sleep is essential for your productivity. Also, try not to use your mobile phones late at night. We know binge watching is tempting but using screens late at night can alter your sleep patterns.

Practice regular exercise: 

Since you are working remotely, staying fit becomes one of the major challenges. Be it morning or evening, work out whenever it suits you or whenever you find the time. If you don’t like to exercise, try yoga or meditation to soothe your body and mind. If you are a dance enthusiast, perform your favourite steps which relaxes your overall body. Whatever you do, the only thing that matters is that you do exercise regularly to say healthy and fit. Walking, stretching, or planks —whatever works best for you to reduce or relieve stress.

Get some fresh air: 

Spending time in nature can help relieve stress and anxiety, improve your mood fluctuations, and boost feelings of happiness and well-being. Take a stroll at your terrace and get some fresh air for mood upliftment or enjoy your evening tea/coffee at your window and rejuvenate yourselves.

And as rightly said, “The bad times will come and go but we should not lose our hope.”
Stay Positive! Stay Home! Stay Safe!


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